Hawaiʻi Police Department
Puna Patrol
Acting Captain Glenn Uehana
Phone: 966-5835
Report No: C11010861
Media Release
A Puna man was arrested Tuesday morning (April 26) for offenses related to illegal hunting.
Around 7:40 a.m., Puna patrol officers responded to a report of a pickup truck concealed under brush in a macadamia nut farm in Kea’au.
In the truck’s cab, officers observed a rifle, which was later found to be loaded. As the truck was about to be towed from the farm, a man walked out of the brush with a hunting dog and claimed ownership of the pickup. Paul M. Moniz, 43, of Mountain View was arrested for criminal trespass and place to keep a loaded firearm. His rifle was recovered as evidence.
Moniz was released from police custody pending further investigation. Once the investigation has been completed, police expect to forward it to the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for further action.
Police remind the public that illegal trespassing and unlawful hunting on private property remain problems. Police intend to enforce relevant laws aggressively and arrest offenders.