Hawaii Police Department
Criminal Investigations Section, Area II
Lieutenant Robert Wagner
Phone: 326-4646, Ext. 266
May 21, 2008
Report No. C08015425
Media Release (update)
Hawaii County police are renewing their request for the public’s help in connection with a robbery early Sunday (May 18.)
The victim reported that he was awakened at about 2:30 a.m. to find an intruder in his home attempting to steal electronics and other items.
Investigation has revealed that a vehicle, suspected as being the burglar’s getaway car, was heard in the area. It was described as having a loud muffler and a neighbor indicated that it sounded like a truck.
Also, the suspect was struck in the head with a laptop computer and may have a head injury. He also may have a limp, possibly as a result of his struggle with the victim.
The suspect is described as a local male, 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-9, about 200 pounds with short, dark curly hair. He was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and cargo pants.
In March another home in the same neighborhood was entered at night while the occupants were home.
Police ask anyone with information about this case to call Detective David Araki at 326-4646, extension 238, or the Police Department’s non-emergency line at 935-3311. Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous may call Crime Stoppers at 961-8300 in Hilo or 329-8181 in Kona. All Crime Stoppers information is kept confidential.