- Hawaii Police Department - https://www.hawaiipolice.com -

07-31-19 Preventing heatstroke of children in vehicles (Correction)

Hawaiʻi Police Department
Traffic Services
Torey Keltner
Program Manager
Phone: (808) 961-2305



Media Release (Correction)

July 31, 2019, is National Heatstroke Awareness Day. Preventing heatstroke of children in vehicles has been a focus of the Hawai’i Police Department. This is a tragedy that can be prevented with a little preparation. We all lead very busy lives at work and home. By following a few tips, we can make sure that our keiki are safe, and we can prevent childhood fatalities due to heatstroke.


Is dropping off a child not part of your normal routine? Come up with some ways to remind yourself that the child is in the car.

If you see a child alone in a vehicle:

Remember: kids and hot cars are a deadly combination. Don’t take the chance. Look Before You Lock.