- Hawaii Police Department - https://www.hawaiipolice.com -

8-10-22 Public Invited to Coffee With a Cop Events in Kona During August

Hawai‘i Police Department
Kona Community Policing Section
Sergeant Michael D. Hardie
Phone: (808) 326-4646 Ext. 259

Media Release

The public is invited to talk story with officers from Hawai‘i Police Department at three Coffee With a Cop events this month in west Hawai‘i. These popular community events provide the public an informal way to get to know their area community policing officers. The events have no agenda and topics of conversation can range from sharing personal stories to discussing neighborhood issues.

August 2022 Kona Coffee with a Cop events will be held:

If you have any questions regarding the event or Coffee With a Cop in general, please contact Kona Community Policing at (808) 326-4646 ext. 257, 258, or 259.