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8-19-21 Public Invited to Virtual Waimea Coffee with a Cop

Hawaiʻi Police Department
South Kohala District
Captain Jeremie Evangelista
Phone: (808) 887-3080

Media Release 

In an effort to safely stay connected with community during the current pandemic surge, Hawaiʻi Police Department’s South Kohala Community Policing Section invites you to join them virtually for “Coffee with a Cop” on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., via Zoom.

This virtual event is a great opportunity for community members to engage in conversation with their district police officers. Topics of conversation can range from answering questions to discussing neighborhood or community issues.

Interested attendees can join online using the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86924801225?pwd=K2t4dUxuZVBrcEJGTGFaT2FVYUlRUT09.

Please contact the South Kohala Community Policing Section at (808) 887-3080 if you have any questions.