Hawaiʻi Police Department
Office of the Chief
Chief Paul Ferreira
Phone: (808) 961-2244
Media Release
Police Chief Paul Ferreira has promoted four individuals to the rank of Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Todd Pataray, an 18-year veteran, is now assigned to South Hilo Patrol. He most recently served as a detective in the Area I Criminal Investigation Section, previously working as a Community Policing Officer in South Hilo, with patrol officer assignments in South Hilo, Hāmākua, and Kona districts.
Lieutenant Calvin Delaries, a 17-year veteran, is assigned to Kona Patrol. He most recently served as a sergeant in Kona Patrol, previously working in the Juvenile Aid Section, South Kohala Patrol, Special Response Team (SRT), as a Community Policing Officer and patrol officer in the Kona district.
Lieutenant Tuckloy Aurello, a 17-year veteran, is now assigned to South Hilo Patrol. He most recently served as a detective in Area I Juvenile Aid Section, previously worked in the Criminal Investigation Section, CALEA (Accreditation), Traffic Enforcement Unit, with patrol officer assignments in the Puna, Kona, and South Kohala districts.
Lieutenant Jerome Manuel, a 14-year veteran, is assigned to Kona Patrol. He most recently served as a Sergeant in Kona Patrol, previously worked in the Criminal Investigation Section, Juvenile Aid Section, with a patrol officer assignment in the Kona District.
These promotions are effective today (May 1, 2020)