10-08-20 “Kona Community Policing Online Coffee with a Cop”

Hawaiʻi Police Department
Area II Community Policing
Sergeant Joseph Stender
Phone: (808) 326-4646, ext. 259


Media Release

“Kona Community Policing Online Coffee with a Cop” event takes place, (October 22th) from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., via your home computer and or mobile device with google meets.

“Coffee with a Cop” encourages community members to get to know their police officers over a cup of coffee. This casual event has no agenda and topics of conversation can range from sharing personal stories to discussing neighborhood issues. This online event will be the first of its kind here in the Kona area. From the comfort of your home share a cup of coffee with one of our Community police officers in a one on one format. The format of this event is due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulties it presents to businesses and the community.

To participate in this event please contact us as space is limited. We will send a google meets link to the first 20 people whom request to be a part of this event. Upon contact we will email you further information.

If you wish to participate and have any question regarding the event please contact Kona Community Policing at (808)326-4646 Ext. 257,258, or 259.

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  • Keep your community safe through Crime Stoppers

    Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous may call the island-wide Crime Stoppers number at 961-8300 and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.00. Crime Stoppers is a volunteer program run by ordinary citizens who want to keep their community safe. Crime Stoppers does not record calls or subscribe to any Caller ID service. All Crime Stoppers information is kept confidential.

    The Crime Stoppers TV Program is available on-demand from Nā Leo TV.

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