4-03-24 One-Way Traffic Pattern in Effect on Kalanikoa Street During Merrie Monarch Festival

Hawai‘i Police Department
Traffic Services Section
Torey D. Keltner, Program Manager
Phone: (808) 961-2305

Media Release

In conjunction with the 61st Annual Merrie Monarch Festival, there will be a temporary one-way traffic pattern on Kalanikoa Street in Hilo.

Traffic will be allowed to flow in the makai, or northerly, direction on Kalanikoa Street between Pi‘ilani Street to Kuawa Street during the festival. The one-way traffic pattern will remain in effect 24-hours beginning at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Wednesday, April 3, through 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 7, 2024.

Motorists traveling in a westerly direction on Pi‘ilani Street will be allowed to turn right onto Kalanikoa Street.  Left turns will also be allowed onto Kalanikoa Street from Pi‘ilani Street.

Both right and left turns will be allowed to one-way traffic on Kalanikoa Street to access the Ho‘olulu Complex and businesses in the area.

Regular two-way traffic will remain in effect on Manono, Kuawa and Pi‘ilani Streets.

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