8-06-24 Police Congratulate Winners of Hilo HI-PAL Blue Light Fishing Tournament

Hawai‘i Police Department
Hilo Community Policing Section
Community Policing Lieutenant William Derr
Phone: (808) 961-2350

Media Release

Hawai‘i Police Department’s Hilo Community Policing Section and the Hawai‘i Police Activities League (HI-PAL) would like to congratulate the winners and participants of the annual Blue Light Fishing Tournament, held on Friday, July 26, 2024, at the Kealoha Beach Park (Four Mile) in Hilo.

The fishing tournament was the culmination of a summer-long program led by Hilo Community Policing Officers who visited Waiākeawaena Elementary, Waiākea Intermediate, and Hilo Intermediate Schools throughout June and July to teach ocean safety tips and fishing skills. During the classes, students learned fishing fundamentals, such as knot tying and casting, as well as the value of staying healthy and staying out of trouble. Those who completed the summer program were eligible to participate in the fishing tournament.

Twenty keiki, age 7 to 14, participated in the fun event with prizes for the most fish caught and the biggest fish. Prizes, which included fishing poles and equipment, were donated by S. Tokunaga Store. Participating keiki also enjoyed hot dogs, snacks, and drinks.

Assisting in the day’s festivities were Puna Community Policing Officers and personnel from the Department of Land and Natural Resources.

HI-PAL (Hawaii Isle Police Activities League) is a program created by the Hawaiʻi Police Department in which police officers interact with youth in various activities and act as mentors. This positive connection with the youth helps encourage teamwork, citizenship, responsibility, and builds trust amongst the youth.

If you’d like to learn more about HI-PAL events in your district, please contact the police station where you live and ask to speak to a community police officer. A full list of police stations and their contact information can be found on our website at hawaiipolice.com.

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