Hawaiʻi Police Department
HI-PAL Program
Officer Joseph Botelho Jr.
Phone 961-2220
Media Release
The Hawaiʻi Police Department’s traffic Services Section and the Hawaiʻi Police Activities League (HI-PAL) held two “Click It or Ticket” 3-on-3 basketball tournaments in July. The first was held on July 16 at the Honokaʻa sports complex gymnasium and the second was held July 23 at the Parks & Recreation facility on the Pāhoa School grounds.
Thirty teams and approximately 130 players participated in 59 games in Honokaʻa in the following age groups: 5-6-7-8, 9-12, 13-14, girls 10 and under, girls 12 and under and girls 14 and under.
Eighteen teams and approximately 75 players participated in 28 games in Pāhoa in the following age groups: 5-6, 6-8, 9-12, girls 10 and under and girls 12 and under.
Photographs of the winners are shown below.
For information on upcoming HI-PAL activities, please call the HI-PAL office in Hilo at 961-2220. The next “Click It or Ticket” 3-on-3 basketball tournament is September 10-11 at Laupāhōehōe High School. Additionally, a high school “Click It or Ticket” 5-on-5 basketball tournament is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on August 20-21 at the Hilo Armory.
HI-PAL would like to thank Kevin Yamasaki, Jayme Carvalho and the Parks & Recreation Department for their continued generosity in allowing for the use of the Honokaʻa sports complex gymnasium. HI-PAl also would like to thank Athletic Director Ron Tomosada and Boys Basketball Head Coach Marc Saito at Pāhoa High School for their continued generosity in allowing for the use of the school’s gymnasium.
Everyone’s willingness to work hand in hand with the Hawaiʻi Police Department and the HI-PAL Program is well appreciated. This cooperative gesture emphasizes each person’s community involvement and their continued commitment to our youths and their best interests.
Pāhoa Girls 12 & Under, 2nd Place: Above the Rim (coach Ryan Salvador, Emirose Aguinaldo Taylor Nishimura, Samantha Saiki, Kaiana Yamabe, Jessica Caro)
Pāhoa Girls 12 & Under, 1st Place: Wahine Ryders (Coach Harry Pagan, Sharry Pagan, Mandi Kawaha, Jordan Zarate, Seizen Alameida, Coach Fred Collins)
Pāhoa Girls 10 & Under (2nd Place) Pahoa (Coach Randy Berinobis, Raynah-Lynn Berinobis, Jescenia Tadio-Jose, Jayla Tadeo-Jose, Coach Leandro Jose)
Pāhoa Girls 10 & Under, 1st Place: Wahine Ryders (Coach Red Collins, Alyssa Padilla, Juliana Pakele, Mindy Kawaha, Jaelina Wells, Jamila Collins-Ebanez, Coach Harry Pagan)
Pāhoa 9-12 Division, 2nd Place: St. Joseph Yellow (Coach Scott Oness, Kahiau Kiyuna, Isaiah Nakoa-Oness, Kaimana Kawauhau)
Pāhoa 9-12 Division, 1st Place: St. Joseph Red (Coach Dean Au, Jakob Au, Tate Rogers, John Andrade, Chris Correa)
Pāhoa 7-8 Division, 2nd Place: Kea’au Chargers #2 (Coach Niki Konanui, Sy’rai Frazier, Davin Amar, Rayson Padilla, Kalahiki Pablo, Coach Kori Hisashima)
Pāhoa 7-8 Division, 1st Place: Kea’au Chargers #1 (Coach Alo Yasso, Ka’upena Yasso, Dacen Hisashima, Kaiden Enos, Coach Kori Hisashima)
Pāhoa 5-6 Division, 1st Place: Li’l Titans #1 (Dylan Villanueva, Braedy Yamada, Orrin Yamada, Coach Donald Yamada)
Pāhoa 5-6 Division, 2nd Place: L’il Titans #2 (Braelyn Kauhi, Jett Mantz, Rudy Martinez, Jolie Mantz, Coach Donald Yamada)
Honokaʻa Girls 14 & Under, 2nd Place; Na ‘Aikane (Shayla Ignacio, Giani Balino, Harley Simon, Jasmine Castro. Not pictured: Coaches Kevin Yamasaki & Alan Kaohimaunu)
Honokaʻa Girls 14 & Under, 1st Place: Above the Rim (Ranchell Berinobis, Chailey Kabalis, Maka Gabriel, Shawn Mori, Syndee Yokota. Not pictured: Coach Ryan Salvador)
Honokaʻa Girls 12 & Under, 2nd Place: Above the Rim (Coach Ryan Salvador, Emirose Aguinaldo, Sunny Arashiro, Tiana Ramele, Kaiana Yamabe)
Honokaʻa Girls 10 & Under, 2nd Place: Fly Girls #3 (Bethany Honma, Megan Baldado, Kiani Midel, Zaelynn Lui. Not pictured: Coaches Elston Cabatu & Clayton Honma)
Honokaʻa Girls 12 & Under, 1st Place: Na ‘Aikane (Coach Kevin Yamasaki, Mikayla Tablit, Gieani Tablit, Taylor Sullivan, Apreal Ansagay, Coach Alan Kaohimaunu. Not pictured: Aulani Cordero)
Honokaʻa Girls 10 & Under, 1st Place: Fly Girls #1 (Hunter Muronaka, Marisa Helenihi, Levonne Arquero, Meghan Wong, Sara Iwahiro. Not pictured: Coach Richard Wong.)
Honokaʻa 13-14 Division, 2nd Place: Stingrays (Kevin Medeiros, Kalalena Santiago, Nicky Pulleschi. Not pictured: Coach Donnie Awa)
Honokaʻa 13-14 Division. 1st Place: Team Happy (Anthony Pulleschi, Tolby Saito, Justis Redwood. Not pictured: Coaches Marc Saito & Tad Saito.)
Honokaʻa 9-12 Division, 2nd Place: HD Blue (Kelvin Falk, Gene Ansagay, Kastle Quiocho, Coach Davin Alip)
Honokaʻa 9-12 Division, 1st Place: HD White (Micah Lorenzo, Aina Alip, Hauoli Akau, Quinten Hanato. Not pictured: Coach Davin Alip)
Honokaʻa 7-8 Division, 2nd Place: Keaukaha (Kaimana Kuamo’o, Kamuela Kaloi, Spencer Yoshizumi, Kasen Mehau, Dorian Roque-Kuamo’o. Not pictured: Coach Jason Mandaquit)
Honokaʻa 7-8 Division, 1st Place: Na ‘Aikane (Warren Tabucbuc, Isaac Jardine, Micah Hanohano, Keone Barco. Not pictured: Coach Hauoli Hanohano.)
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