Hawai’i Police Department
HI-PAL Program
Officer Joseph Botelho Jr.
Phone: 961-2220
November 18, 2009
Media Release
The Hawai’i Island Police Activities League (HI-PAL) will hold its 29th Annual Winter Basketball Classic December 26-29 in Hilo. There is no fee to participate.
Team registration is open to the following age divisions:
- Boys 9-10
- Boys 11-12
- Boys 13-14
- Girls 12 and under
- Girls 14 and under
Team participation will be limited to the first 10 teams in each age division. The team participation restriction and age division limit to five groups are both direct results of the economy. Coaches interested in entering multiple teams must check with East Hawai’i HI-PAL Officer Joseph Botelho Jr. for space availability. Despite the financial crunch, HI-PAL will strive to provide Hawai’i’s youth with a fun and safe activity.
Teams interested in entering should call Officer Botelho as soon as possible. The deadline to register is December 18. Completed foster forms may be submitted by mail or in person. Teams that fail to turn in a roster form (“Team Eligibility Affidavit Form”) by the deadline will not be placed on the tournament schedule.
To submit a roster form by mail, send it to:
HI-PAL 2009W.B.B.C. c/o Hawai’i Police Department
349 Kapi’olani Street
Hilo, HI 96720
To arrange to drop off roster forms in person, or for further information, call Officer Botelho at 961-2220.
Additional contact information:
- Officer Randy Morris, West Hawai’i HI-PAL Office: 326-4646, Ext. 258
- Community Policing Office: 961-8121
- HI-PAL FAX: 961-2209
- Community Policing FAX: 933-4000