Hokulia bypass restrictions 06-22-10

Hawai’i Police Department
Community Policing
Sergeant William Souther
Phone: 326-4646, Ext. 259
June 22, 2010

Media Release

Big island police are reminding motorists about restrictions on the use of the Hokulia bypass road in West Hawai’i.

Since the road was opened to the public between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. seven days a week, police have received complaints about bicycles, joggers, boat trailers, dump trucks and mopeds on the road.

An agreement between Hokulia and the county prohibits the following on the private road:

  • Vehicles weighing more than three tons
  • Bicycles
  • Motorscooters
  • Pedestrians

The public is asked to adhere to those restrictions to ensure the continued use of the bypass.

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