Hawai’i Police Department
Community Policing Office
Sergeant Nancy Haitsuka
326-4646, Ext. 259
March 30, 2009
Media Release
Big Island police are advising the public that vending along state and county roadsides is illegal.
After receiving numerous complaints, police say they will step up enforcement of both county and state laws prohibiting roadside vending.
State law and county ordinances prohibit vending of goods, including vehicles parked along the roadside with “For Sale” signs on them.
County ordinances prohibit commercial use of any county roads and roadsides, including shoulder grassy areas. Illegal vendors can be fined up to $1,000.
State law prohibits commercial use of any state road or roadside, including grassy areas and medians. Illegal vendors can be charged with a petty misdemeanor crime, which is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, up to 30 days in jail, or both.