Hawaiʻi Police Department
Traffic Services Section
Sergeant Robert P. Pauole
Phone: 961-2305
Media Release
Hawaiʻi Island police are informing motorists that officers will conduct DUI checkpoints islandwide in anticipation of the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. The effort is part of a national and statewide campaign called “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”
Sergeant Robert P. Pauole, head of the Traffic Services Section, said police are reminding motorists of the consequences of impaired driving and are enforcing Hawaiʻi County Ordinance No. 11-102. Also known as “Aliyah’s Law,” the ordinance permits officers to tow the vehicle of a driver who is stopped for impaired driving or driving after a license was suspended or revoked.
On Hawaiʻi Island, drunk driving was responsible for 23 of the 36 traffic deaths so far this year, which is more than 63 percent of the fatalities. “We need to get the message out that driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs kills,” Pauole said. “Always remember to have a designated, sober and licensed driver before you start drinking. If you can’t find one, don’t take a chance – take a taxi!”