8-09-24 HI-PAL and DARE Hawai‘i Hold Back to School Dances in Waikoloa  and Waimea

Hawai‘i Police Department
South Kohala Patrol
Captain Roylen Valera
Phone: (808) 887-3080

Media Release

Hawai‘i Police Department’s South Kohala Community Policing Section in collaboration with the Hawai‘i Isle Police Activities League (HI-PAL) and DARE Hawai‘i recently teamed up with area schools to hold two back-to-school dances in Waikoloa and Waimea.

The first events of their kind at the schools, the festivities were designed to increase student’s connections with each other and their School Resource Officer before the school year startesd, as well as foster a positive relationship with law enforcement.

On July 29 more than 50 keiki, most from Waikoloa Elementary School, participated in a family Bingo night where students won school supplies donated by Abundant Life Ministries, followed by a HI-PAL “Welcome Back to School Dance” in the cafeteria.

“The event was designed to reconnect students after summer break and build community spirit before the new school year,” said Waikoloa School Resource Officer Kuilee Dela Cruz, who organized the event. “It was a great success.”

The following day on July 30, more than 60 middle school students participated in a similar “Back-to-School Dance” at the Waimea Middle School.  

“We were excited to host this event for the first time, providing a space where students can enjoy themselves,” said Waimea Middle School Resource Officer Edward Lewis.

For both events, students were treated to a live DJ with the latest music and old school jams, and DARE Hawaii provided hot-dogs, chips, saimin, cookies, snacks, and cold drinks.

HI-PAL is a program of the Hawai‘i Police Department in which police officers interact with youth in various activities as mentors. This positive connection encourages teamwork, citizenship, and responsibility among youth. If your community organization is interested in hosting a HI-PAL event in your area, please contact the nearest police station in your community and ask for a Community Policing Officer. A list of police stations can be found on the department’s website at https://www.hawaiipolice.com/contact-us/police-stations.

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