9-08-23 Police Seek Public’s Assistance Locating ATV Stolen in Waimea

Hawai‘i Police Department
South Kohala Patrol
Officer Kiley Loo
Phone: (808)-887-3080
Report No.: 23-083802

Media Release

Hawai‘i Island police are investigating the report of a stolen 4×4 all-terrain vehicle (ATV) that occurred some time between Thursday, August 31, 2023, and Friday, September 1, 2023, from the area of Mana Road in Waimea.

The ATV is described as a Red Honda Rancher 420 with the letter “P” cow branded on both sides of the vehicle’s fender, a “bull head logo” cow branded on both sides of the gas tank, and the number “138” etched on top of the gas tank. The estimated value of the ATV is $9,000.

Police ask anyone with information relative to this case to call the police department’s non-emergency line at (808) 935-3311 or email Officer Kiley Loo at Kiley.loo@hawaiicounty.gov.

Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous may call Crime Stoppers at (808) 961-8300. All Crime Stoppers information is kept confidential.

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    Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous may call the island-wide Crime Stoppers number at 961-8300 and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.00. Crime Stoppers is a volunteer program run by ordinary citizens who want to keep their community safe. Crime Stoppers does not record calls or subscribe to any Caller ID service. All Crime Stoppers information is kept confidential.

    The Crime Stoppers TV Program is available on-demand from Nā Leo TV.